Data-driven fluid mechanics

2 April — 4 April 2025, London,UK


The conference programme may be subject to change due to organisational reasons. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate requests for changes to the scheduled time or date of talks.

Selected talks will be invited to submit a journal paper to special issues of Data-Centric Engineering (Cambridge University Press), and Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (Springer), based on their alignment with the journal scopes. All submissions will go through peer review process according to each journal's guidelines.

If you are a presenting author and have not yet registered and paid the conference fee, please may we ask to do so by the deadline of 28th February 23.59 UK time. Unfortunately, failure to register and complete the payment by the deadline will result in the withdrawal of the abstract, as we wish to offer the opportunity to presenters on the reserve list.

Detailed conference programme: Click here.

Overview of conference programme

Day 1 (Wednesday, 2nd April 2025)

08:00 — 09:00
Arrival and Registration with Coffee
Room: Mary Ward Reception

09:00 — 09:10
Conference Opening
Prof. Luca Magri (chair, Imperial College London, The Alan Turing Institute, Politecnico di Torino)
Room: Mary Ward Hall

09:10 — 09:30
Inaugural Keynote Talk:
"Engineering the Future and the Future of Engineering"
Prof. Mark Girolami (The Alan Turing Institute & Cambridge University)
Room: Mary Ward Hall

09:30 — 10:30
Keynote Talk:
"AI and Scientific Computing: There is Plenty of Room in the Middle"
Prof. Petros Koumoutsakos (Harvard University)
Room: Mary Ward Hall

10:30 — 11:00
Coffee Break
Room: Arnold, Morris, Martineau

11:00 — 12:30
Talks: Parallel Sessions D1S1

12:30 — 13:30
Lunch Break
Room: Arnold, Morris, Martineau

13:30 — 15:45
Talks: Parallel Sessions D1S2

15:45 — 16:15
Coffee Break
Room: Arnold, Morris, Martineau

16:15 — 17:30
Talks: Parallel Sessions D1S3

End of Day 1

Day 2 (Thursday, 3rd April 2025)

08:00 — 09:00
Arrival and Registration with Coffee
Room: Mary Ward Reception

09:00 — 10:00
Keynote Talk:
"Information from Data: Eliciting Underlying Physics from Data-Driven Studies of Turbulence"
Prof. Beverley McKeon (Stanford University)
Room: Mary Ward Hall

10:00 — 10:30
Coffee Break
Room: Arnold, Morris, Martineau

10:30 — 12:15
Talks: Parallel Sessions D2S1

12:15 — 13:15
Lunch Break
Room: Arnold, Morris, Martineau

13:15 — 14:15
Panel Discussion
Chaired by Neil Ashton (NVIDIA)
Room: Mary Ward Hall

14:30 — 15:45
Punch talks: Parallel Sessions D2P1

15:45 — 16:15
Coffee Break
Room: Arnold, Morris, Martineau

16:15 — 17:30
Talks: Parallel Sessions D2P2

17:30 — 19:30
Drinks Reception (drinks and nibbles served until 18.30)
Room: Arnold, Morris, Martineau

End of Day 2

Day 3 (Friday, 4th April 2025)

08:00 — 09:00
Arrival and Registration with Coffee
Room: Mary Ward Reception

09:00 — 10:00
Keynote Talk:
"Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with Examples in Fluid Mechanics"
Prof. Steven Brunton (University of Washington)
Room: Mary Ward Hall

10:00 — 10:30
Coffee Break
Room: Arnold, Morris, Martineau

10:30 — 12:15
Talks: Parallel Sessions D3S1

12:15 — 13:15
Lunch Break
Room: Arnold, Morris, Martineau

13:15 — 15:30
Talks: Parallel Sessions D3S2

15:30 — 16:00
Coffee Break
Room: Mary Ward Hall

16:00 — 17:10
Talks: Parallel Sessions D3S3

17:15 — 17:30
Prizes and Awards & Concluding Remarks
Room: Mary Ward Hall

End of Conference